Susie’s Favourite Recipes

Nut RoastVegetarian Red Wine and Nut Roast with Brie
Serves 4/6 people


1 Red and 1 Green Pepper, diced
1 Fat Clove of Garlic, crushed
2 Large Leeks, chopped
75 g (3oz) Margarine
100 ml (4 fl oz) Red Wine
100 g (4oz) each Brazils, Cashews and Almonds
(roasted and coarsely ground)
350 g (12oz) Wholewheat Breadcrumbs
Handful of Fresh Parsley, chopped
3 Leaves Fresh Sage, chopped
5 Eggs, Beaten
Tomato Juice to moisten
225 g (8oz) Sharpen Brie, sliced

* Heat oven to 170 C. 325 F. Gas Mark 3. Prepare a deep dish or tin by lightly greasing it.

* Sauté Pepper, garlic and leeks in the margarine for about 10 minutes.

* Add the red wine and simmer for another 5 minutes.

* Stir in the nuts, crumbs and fresh herbs.

* Remove from the heat and beat in the eggs.

* Add the tomato juice until mixture is soft but not runny.

* Spread half the roast mixture into the bottom of the dish. Put the brie on top and then add remaining mixture and press down lightly.

* Bake for about 45 minutes.

* Enjoy – it’s delicious!