Driving In Fear

A driving phobia is a very common state which a lot of drivers now suffer from. Many reports show that as many as one in ten people can be affected by a phobia, most people do not like to admit they have his problem and try to cover up or avoid the problem.

It is a normal part of life and other people take their place, drivers do this and by doing so reduces the tension, bringing in a habit which then makes it more difficult to face the problem head on.

By avoiding the phobia brings in anxiety. With all the years I have been in driver training this driving phobia is getting very common. Meeting drivers who have been behind the wheel safely for many years, they are accident free, have a clean licence, drivers who can really control a vehicle on the road, but at the same time find many days where the burden of being on the road all day brings in stress and in turn makes them unable to cope, and they call it panic attacks.

More drivers say they get more nervous behind the wheel. This can be classed as a disorder, our heart beat speeding up, a disorder gripping the body in fear. For instance not driving over a bridge, not driving though a major city, where they feel everything is closing in on them.

Panic disorder is treatable and many therapies are available, being very effective, further treatments can be necessary but once treated does not continue into permanent complications.

The story of the young lady who was driving her Range Rover on the Norwich southern bypass when a large pile of cardboard came off a passing truck, finished up covering her windscreen. Through this incident she then found it very difficult to cope with dual carriageways, after seeking advice and help she can now cope really well on these roads.

There is so much to this condition of phobia which cannot be all covered in this safe driving hint, but more will be touched upon during the next few months.

More people now are concerned with speed cameras – use of mobile phones when driving (which is a real concern and needs more urgent control) but drivers health and condition is a leading factor.

Panic Attacks – a sudden surge of fear causing:
Chest Pains

Panic attacks are not dangerous, but can make drivers feel out of control. They develop from fears of actual events.

Please note: only a licensed Therapist can diagnose and deal with these disorders.

Each step will be a challenge, take small steps – break the big steps down, if more anxiety develops seek the professional help, talk to your GP who is there to help.

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