
Get online with free Wi-Fi at Lowestoft Library

Lowestoft Library now offers free Wi-Fi for all library customers. The Wi-Fi is accessible throughout the building including the café and record office.
30 Suffolk Libraries now offer free Wi-Fi which will make it easier for people to access online library services and use the internet.
There are a wide range of online library services available including free downloadable eBooks and eAudio books and the new Freegal service which enables library customers to download and stream free music.
Freegal offers access to an online catalogue of over 3 million tracks from a wide range of popular artists and Suffolk is one of only a few UK library services to provide the service. For more information about Suffolk Libraries ebooks and Freegal visit the eLibary section of the website www.suffolklibraries.co.uk

To find out more about Lowestoft College ring 0800 854695