St George’s, Shimpling, a Norman round-towered church in the care of the Churches Conservation Trust, is participating in this year’s national Heritage Open Days.

The church will be open and manned from 9am to 5pm on Saturday 13th September and between 10am and 5pm on Sunday 14th September. Throughout both days there will be the opportunity to hear stories the building, and people associated with it, have to tell. Saturday 13th also sees the annual County Churches Trust Sponsored Bike Ride – when participants can look forward to again receiving those special ‘Shimpling’ refreshments!

Centuries ago Christians built and set St George’s Church apart for prayer; they made their church beautiful with their skill and craftsmanship. Whilst it ceased to serve as a Parish Church twenty seven years ago, it remains consecrated – and continues, from its presence in the landscape (how many spy it as they pass along the A140?), inspiring, teaching and ministering through its beauty and atmosphere. It continues to provide an opportunity to experience silence; to spend a few minutes in reflection – to enjoy the holiness, the peace and the history.

Heritage Open Days celebrate England’s architecture and culture by allowing visitors free access to interesting buildings that are either not usually open, or would normally charge an entrance fee.  Organised by volunteers – Heritage Open Days – is England’s biggest and most popular cultural event.  It attracts around 1 million visitors annually.    

The Churches Conservation Trust is the national charity which cares for historic churches that are no longer required for regular worship by the Church of England.  Shimpling St George is one of more than 340 churches in its guardianship and, after English Heritage and the National Trust it cares for and keeps open more historic buildings than any other heritage organisation.

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