Round Tower Churches


Round Tower Churches

A Norfolk and Suffolk Speciality

St George’s Church, St Cross South Elmham

An illustrated talk by

       Stuart Bowell, Chairman – Round Tower Churches Society

 Monday 15th September 2014


Tickets: £5:00 – to include light refreshments

available from Lynne Peet on 01986 788944

Hannah Custerson on 01986 782324

Maurice Philpot on 07817 108239 or on the door

Visiting Round Tower Churches

Every round tower church is different and worth a visit to see its special features. There are a number of leaflets and books with description of the churches, their location and their special features which can help to guide you round Round Tower Churches.

A good first place to start is a booklet ‘East Anglian Round Tower Churches’ written by Stephen Hart and available from RTCS.
