
The Thetford Players are pleased to be supporting the ‘Massive Family Fun Day’ on Melford Common, Thetford, between 11am and 4pm on Sat 31st August 2013.

Come along and meet members of the group, find out more about our forthcoming productions and events, purchase official Thetford Players’ merchandise and take part in the two competitions on our stall. The first is a ‘Thetford Town Trail’ – visit areas in the town to answer a series of questions, solve the resulting anagram and submit your answer to the Leaping Hare Tourist Office by Wed 4th Sept 2013 for a chance of winning the prize. The second is a ‘Caption Competition’ – the wittiest caption submitted on the day summing up the photograph we will have on display from a past production will receive the prize.

All money raised will be donated to our Charity of the Year for 2012-13the ‘Riversdale Centre’, a centre for the local community providing accommodation to a wide variety of groups such as the Dementia Support Group, Age Concern, West Suffolk Mind, Youth Offending Team, Red Cross and the Alzheimer’s Society. Riversdale also fulfils users’ needs for leisure, recreation and social welfare.

So, whether you have been involved in theatre before, or just want to have at go at something different then come and visit our stall and speak to us at this event. We are particularly interested in recruiting adult males to the group at this present time.

Keep up-to-date with the Thetford Players through Facebook, Twitter or by visiting our website at


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illustrations and artwork

illustrations and artwork

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