
The Thetford Players have enjoyed much ‘fun’draising throughout the whole of this last weekend at the ‘Massive Family Fun Day’ in Thetford on Saturday (31st August), raising funds for the Players ‘Charity of the Year’, and at ‘Race at your Place’ (Sun 1st Sept.) also in Thetford, in aid of Cancer Research UK.

Members of the Players dressed up in a variety of vibrant costumes, including Aladdin’s Genie and Panto Dames, for the ‘Massive Family Fun Day’ raising funds for the Players’ ‘Charity of the Year’ – The Riversdale Centre – by holding two competitions; a ‘Thetford Town Trail’ and a ‘Photograph Caption’ competition. The ‘Town Trail’ involved visiting areas in the town, answering a series of questions and solving the resulting anagram.

If you took part in this then don’t forget that the answer to the anagram must be submitted to the Leaping Hare Tourist Office by 2.30pm on Wed 4th Sept 2013 for your chance of winning the Family Ticket to see ‘The Sleeping Beauty’ – the Players next panto in January 2014!


The ‘Photograph Caption’ competition was about finding the wittiest caption which summed up the photograph on display at the event. The photograph, which was taken earlier this year during the Aladdin panto, featured Stuart Wright, now Mayor of Thetford, with other cast members. The winning answer selected was ‘I mayor’ve underestimated the acting skills required‘. One of the Thetford Players junior members, Kayleigh Cartwright (13), also raised funds for The Riversdale Centre by selling / applying glitter tattoos.


At the ‘Race at your Place’ on Sunday, in aid of Cancer Research UK and organised by Councillor Mark Robinson, himself a Thetford Players member, yet more costumes were worn by a team of eight Thetford Players’ ladies (and two dogs!). The team, which included fairies, a panto dame, Snow White, Wishee Washee (from Aladdin) a ‘flapper girl’ and the Queen of Pantoland, completed the 5km course around the Abbey Meadows in just under one hour. Despite coming in last position, the team entertained cheering onlookers as they sang songs due to be performed at the Thetford Players forthcoming ‘Backstage at the Proms’ production on the 21st September at the Carnegie Room (tickets and further details are available at or from the Leaping Hare Tourist Office (Tel: 01842 751975). If you would like to donate to Cancer Research UK, then please do so securely online via the Thetford Players JustGiving page at


Over the complete weekend, the Thetford Players raised around £250 for The Riversdale Centre and for Cancer Research UK, confirming that the group continues to grow from strength-to-strength within the local community. Thank you to all of our loyal supporters.

If you are interested in joining the Thetford Players (we are particularly interested in hearing from adult males) then why not come along to ‘The Sleeping Beauty’ panto presentation on Sun 8th Sept. which introduces the script, the Directors and Production team to anybody wishing to audition on Sun 15th Sept. See for further details about audition times and venue, or call 07516 725063.


Keep up-to-date with the Thetford Players through Facebook, Twitter or by visiting our website at

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