A New Partnership And A Change Of Name For Age Concern Norfolk And Age Concern Norwich

Local charities Age Concern Norfolk and Age Concern Norwich are to change their name to Age UK, following the national merger of Age Concern England and Help the Aged.

The two major national charities merged in 2009 to form one organisation that aims to improve the lives of people in later life, both in the UK and abroad. From 19 April 2010 this new merged charity will be known as Age UK. A number of local, independent Age Concerns across the country will be forming a partnership with the national charity and changing their own name and brand identity.

Age Concern Norfolk and Age Concern Norwich will be among the first to do so and over the next few weeks will be changing their names to Age UK Norfolk and Age UK Norwich.

The development of Age UK has been driven by the belief that alongside climate change, population ageing is the greatest global transition to face society this century and that change is needed to meet this challenge. Building on its strong heritage, Age UK will celebrate ageing and work to create opportunity in later life. It will fight and challenge disadvantage and work with and for older people to help transform their lives for the better.

Hilary MacDonald Chief Executive of Age Concern Norfolk said: “Our change of name and logo signifies our partnership with Age UK but does not mean we’ll change who we are and what we do best. We will continue to work with and for older people in Norfolk as independent charities and will continue to operate the same range and breadth of support services as we do now.”

Services offered by Age Concerns in Norfolk include information, advice and advocacy, benefits outreach, bereavement support, mobile meals, residential respite, sheltered housing support, befriending, gardening and handyperson scheme, home domestic service and a range of day activities and support including intergenerational work, dementia and reminiscence based services.

The new logo depicting a loop of vitality and circle of life represents the continuous, seamless support that is offered by Age UK and its local partners – here for the long-term, reliable, consistent and lifelong.

Phil Wells, Chief Executive of Age Concern Norwich welcomed the new national organisation: “We have the best of both worlds: local organisations responding to local concerns and needs, together with a strong national charity to lobby government and carry out research. We expect Age UK to be more effective and better known.”

Both local charities will be working closely with Age UK to draw up a partnership agreement that they hope will bring even greater benefit to older people in Norfolk. Email addresses, websites and promotional materials will all be updated to reflect the new brand. Rebranding will take time and the charities are not intending to rush this process or to waste valuable resources.

Age Concerns have played a crucial role in helping to develop the new brand so that it works for their local activities and over the coming months, it is expected that others will also adopt the new name and brand. Age Concern North Norfolk is one of a large number of Age Concerns across the country that have also signalled their intention to work towards brand partnership with Age UK.