Driving hints by Mike Daniels
Dip Di Consultant for Driving to the Corporate Industry

Are you doing it with your eyes shut?

Researchers say that one in ten people driving for work have admitted they fall asleep at the wheel. This is a very serious statement, just to nod off for a second or two while driving CAN KILL.

Just remember if you are travelling at 60 m.p.h. your vehicle will travel 88 feet per second. Six people die every week in the UK in road collisions caused by tired drivers.

Just try walking 88 feet with your eyes closed – not a nice feeling, is it.

BRAKE‘ the Road Safety Charity and Brakedown Specialist Green Flag who carried out the survey states one of the main causes is drivers not getting enough sleep the night before, they are urging companies to make sure all drivers set realistic times to get to appointments and deliveries, ensure they are fit, had enough rest and have regular breaks, such as 20 minutes in every 2 hours of driving.

During the working week I am fortunate to sit with Company drivers to assess their drivers through Health and Safety at Work, this IS NOW A LEGAL requirement that all Company Directors and Managers are aware of their drivers abilities, taking care of them, making sure they have a Safe Driving Policy in place protecting themselves from Corporate Manslaughter if ever any of their drivers are involved in a road traffic collision.

The drivers and companies I meet are lovely people, very much aware, but many drivers are pushed to their limits to make more calls per day, more paperwork, more targets, more stress, more hours behind the wheel, making them very tired (these are car and van drivers).

Surely there is just another day tomorrow, lets all reduce the pressure and slow down.

As you drive home from work in the evening, just think how many hours has the driver been behind the wheel coming towards you. That could be frightening.

Mike Daniels AcciDON’T – Making drivers safer world wide.
Retraining Drivers for Insurance Companies,
please don’t let us meet you by Accident . . .

Mike Daniels and AcciDON’T
D.S.A. Registered Instructor, Awarded Highest Grade 6