How nice it is to see the colourful array of leaves as Autumn approaches, but this can result in sudden breakdowns and very expensive car repairs.

Modern cars have a number of chambers at the rear of the engine bay, known as the Plenum Chamber,
this is where the bonnet meets the windscreen, and where the heating system draws in the air.

Within the chamber there is a drain hole so water which runs off the windscreen goes into a tube and then runs onto the ground under the car.

So this is the time of year when leaves fall into the chambers via the grille near windscreen housing and block the drain holes, causing a build up of water when it rains.

The water now seeps into areas which should be protected such as electronic equipment which controls computers dealing with braking systems and engine management sensors.

While you take time to check oils and water and top up the washer bottle, just spend a few minutes clearing any leaves away in the chamber areas.

Mike Daniels and AcciDON’T
D.S.A. Registered Trainer, Awarded Highest Grade 6

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