Next Screening:
14th July 2008

The Park Hotel, Diss

Film Starts 8pm
Members £3 Non-Members £4 Students £2 (under 21)

Origin: Denmark
Year: 1987
Running Time: 102 mins

Director: Gabriel Axel
Cast: Stéphane Aurdran, Birgitte Federspiel, Bodil Kjer

in association with
In an austere religious community in 1870s Denmark, a French refugee arrives at the household of two spinster sisters and their father, and becomes their housekeeper and cook. After the death of their father, she prepares a meal in his memory – not just a meal but a gastronomic feast which is revelatory and life changing for the sisters and the community. A tale of self-sacrifice, thwarted ambitions, and lost love, but gently comic and sensuous.


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