Bungay Film Club at the Fisher Theatre

The next meeting will be on
Monday 2 March at 7.30pm
in the Fisher Theatre Bar.

Dear All,

A brief summary of the meeting on Tue 10 Feb.

1. It may not be possible to show a film as early as March.

2. It has been necessary to appoint an Acting Committee to open a bank account, to collect subscriptions and to book films. Until the members of the club can elect a committee, Sally Hirons will act as Chair, Robby Lewry as Treasurer, and Carol Lucas and Katharine Long as Secretaries.

3. The treasurer explained that the total cost of hiring a film has gone up to take account of carriage and small rental charge to Fisher Theatre. He requested that everyone at the meeting contribute £1 to the Bungay Film Club’s contingency fund, to help with initial expenses.

4. There was a lot of discussion about the kind of films that Bungay Film Club should screen, and the films some of you suggested. Eventually there was agreement that we should aim for a mix of classic and more recent titles, foreign and English language, and avoid overlapping with the Fisher Theatre’s existing programme of popular, recent English language films. It was also agreed that members of the Steering Group (which started out as the working group) would choose the first few films.

5. The Projectionist from Diss Film Society, Shaun Wilkinson was at the meeting and gave us a a lot of helpful advice on expenses, logistics and choosing films. He even suggested that it might be possible to share films for our opening season, to reduce expense.

6. Some discussion about exploring funding options. Those with experience of showing films in Bungay and Diss pointed out that grants are often made towards purchase of equipment, which is not relevant in our case as we will be renting it at a low price from the Fisher Theatre. Shaun Wilkinson suggested that we contact Screen East to find out if we can apply for money to help launch the club.

7. Agreed importance of publicity which will be explored by the Steering Group.

8. The next meeting will be on Monday 2 March at 7.30pm in the Fisher Theatre Bar.

In the meantime, we hope to book our first season of films and have something more interesting to tell you.

Look forward to seeing you soon.

Best wishes,


If you would like to be part of it or if you would just like to come along and watch the films please send and email to:

[email protected]