Old is the New New
 Sustainable Bungay’s Give and Take Day
Saturday, August 14th, 2010
Chaucer Club Bungay

Following the amazing success of Sustainable Bungay’s Give and Take Day last year, another event is going to be held on Saturday, August 14th from 10am-1pm at the Chaucer Club in Bungay. A Give and Take Day is a chance to get rid of any unwanted, useable items that you don’t want or need and to pick up things that you do – all for free! 

In 2009, we were able to re-home a remarkable 10 tonnes of unwanted goods, rather than see them go to a landfill site. It was also a great social event, with many people spending hours rummaging through items and ‘testing out’ the sofas and chairs with a cup of tea and a piece of cake!

Bring along any items from 10am on the day. These can be household and garden items, such as books, toys, bikes, tools, kitchenware, bric-a-brac, plants, furniture and clothes. Unfortunately, we are not able to accept electrical items. If you don’t have anything to bring, just bring yourself and you might find something useful that you need. Refreshments will be available and we are also hoping to show some short films about waste and recycling.

Volunteers from Sustainable Bungay are able to assist with the collection and delivery of larger items in the Bungay area for those unable to do so themselves. However, this year we do not have external funding to provide this service, so any donations towards fuel costs would be gratefully received.

If you have large items of furniture that require collection, please contact Eloise Wilkinson on 01986 788785 or [email protected].

For any other information about the Give and Take Day, phone Kate Jackson on 01986 897082 or visit our website www.sustainablebungay.com.