Summer Grading 2010

Students from Bungay Taekwondo Club which trains at the High School had a highly successful summer grading despite the scorching temperatures. 

22 students of this Olympic Martial Art performed their patterns and techniques alongside sparring and self defence in order to achieve their next belt, Korean terminology also makes up a part of the rigorous examination as does etiquette and attitude. Oliver and Saskia Baylis performed superbly and were awarded the coveted top student awards for being the best at the grading.

It has been incredibly busy for the black belts at the club with a Masters Seminar held in Kettering and Senior International training held in Coventry recently, but the club is now preparing for a slightly quieter summer holiday season and will only train every Thursday from 7-8.30pm in the main school assembly hall until September.

However, it is a really good time to start learning this highly useful martial art to get fit in mind and spirit, so if you want to join in come along or contact Clinton Gillett on 07970 664965 for further details.

Cantor’s Theatre School