Give the gift of time this Christmas

For many of us Christmas is a happy occasion when we spend time with our family and friends.

However, for many older people the festive season is one of loneliness and, combined with the cold and icy weather, it can leave them vulnerable to ill health and accidents.

This Christmas, NHS Suffolk is asking people in the county to give the gift of time to an elderly friend or relative.

Olive Quinton, health improvement manager with NHS Suffolk said: “Making time for an elderly person can give them a great boost and it needn’t take up too much of your time.

“Popping round for a cup of tea and a chat or offering to take them shopping can make all the difference to someone who is alone and vulnerable.

“During the cold weather, paying a visit is also a good opportunity to check they are staying warm and are eating well, having hot drinks and staying safe.

“Check their heating is working – and turned on. Make sure they have a supply of tinned food they can use should the cold weather prevent them from getting out. Also make sure they are not vulnerable to accidents in their home, for example, by wearing old and worn slippers that could cause a trip.”

For more information about NHS Suffolk visit

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