The Good Driver
Well how do you rate your driving from a scale of 1 to 10?

Are you Responsible?
Are you Concentrating Enough?
Are you able to Anticipate?
Are you Patient?
Are you Confident?

Don’t forget 85% of driver switch onto Auto-Pilot when driving on local trips.

Do you moan about other irritating habits done by other drivers?
What about those who do not signal their intentions at roundabouts (He’s good at keeping secrets).
What about using hand held phones.
What about using bus lanes when it’s illegal.
What about undertaking on dual carriageways/motorways.

Also remember we have just said we moan of other drivers,
but remember that’s what they say – they too moan of other drivers.
Lets make sure it’s not us.

Remember: To hold a driving licence is a Privilege not a Right.
We must all make sure we are not guilty of falling into the rut.

There are drivers who become Presumptuous (who believe they are always correct)
The drivers who are Reckless (take unnecessary risks)
The drivers who are Arrogant (the rules don’t apply to them)
The drivers who Threaten (intimidate others)
The drivers who are Selfish (no consideration for others)

So lets just list those items again…


If we take the first letter of each word… I will let you decide what word you finish up with.

The Bad Driver

Bad driving leads to aggressive and reckless driving.
Stressed drivers will have increased heart and blood pressure levels.
Peripheral and distance vision will be reduced when stressed.
Stressed drivers are reactive, not proactive.
Passengers will not feel relaxed and comfortable.

Always drive relaxed.
Good drivers always plan every situation, always keep alert and calm – always read the road ahead.
Always try to be a spaceman (oops or woman)

Always create space!

Space means:


Be careful if you ask the question:

What do you do if you see a spaceman?
You might get the reply – park in it!

Mike Daniels and AcciDON’T
D.S.A. Registered Instructor, Awarded Highest Grade 6