Grey Heron

These large, striking birds can be spotted standing motionless at the water’s edge, waiting patiently for prey.

The Grey heron is an unmistakable, large bird with its long legs, long graceful neck, and long, pointed yellow bill. The Grey Heron is approximately 84-120cm in length with a wingspan of approx 155-175cm.

They Grey Heron can be found in the vicinity of lakes, ponds and rivers. They nest in colonies, usually in tall trees but sometimes on cliffs, in reed-beds and in bushes. They feed on fish, amphibians, mollusks, insects and even small rodents and birds.

Grey herons wade through shallow water searching for prey such as small fish and amphibians. When they have found a suitable location, they will stand motionless waiting patiently for the right moment to stab the prey with its beak. When a small fish or animal comes within its reach, the bird will stab the prey and swallow it whole.

Herons fly with the head drawn back and feet trailing behind. The wing beats are slow and the curved wings form an m-shape. Some individuals migrate to Western Europe over winter.