The hackney carriage and private hire driver training specialists.

The new health and safety regulations can be a great worry to you as a taxi operator or anybody thinking of becoming a professional taxi driver.

You must be aware.

Many local authorities are now insisting upon a driving test for their licensed taxi and private hire drivers, but due to a lack of pre-assessment and training many people are failing to achieve the required standard.
Consider carefully, do not be one of those.

Mike Daniels DSA REGD Highest Grade 6 Trainer
(DATT) Diamond Accredited Taxi Trainer

Train then take your test with our in house examiner.

Tel: 07860 452421 – Professional Driver Training – gives passenger comfort

AcciDON’T – Making drivers safer.

Mike Daniels and AcciDON’T
D.S.A. Registered Trainer, Awarded Highest Grade 6