How many times do you drive along and the driver behind is travelling much too close, not leaving a minimum of 2 seconds or 4 seconds in poor conditions.

The driving standards now seem to be GO GO GO nobody drives as if they enjoy driving.

Sorry Girls but I just need to highlight a survey which was carried out by a motor insurer.

A fifth of Female Drivers have confessed they put mascara on while they are driving, so this is about 2.7 million of the 15 million women drivers in Great Britian.

3% admitted being in collision with other drivers when being distracted applying make up.

Yes I know you always say you are the best at multi-tasking, but on a very serious note a new offence came in over a year ago and that is Causing Death by Careless Driving and this carries a Prison Sentence of up to two years.

Young women aged 17 to 21 were found to be most likely putting beauty before safety, and more at risk crashing a car.

We all lead busy lives and you all agree driving means giving full attention in the task of keeping ourselves safe as well as other road users, so if you are lucky to arrive safe at work, but a police officer has spotted
your careless driving you will be charged!

The poll of 4,000 women drivers 27 % confessed to applying make up.

9% aged 18 or younger had crashed while doing so, which is 3 times the average.

So we must all drive safe at all times, be aware of others on the road, we always say be watch full of other road users they do crazing things but dont forget thats what they are saying about you…

Sorry Girls to use you as a story, yes I know you have just been overtaken by a male driver, yes he may well have been shaving at the same time. But there are no surveys reported as yet, watch this space.

Try to stop the lipstick reflecting in the mirror of the vehicle in front.

Leaving space to the front gives plenty of time to stop safely.

Stop so you can see the Tyres on Tarmac of the vehicle in front.

Always give yourself an escape route.

Driving is an art, so stay safe, be aware at all times and remember

Male drivers in London have emerged as being more aggressive and more likely to lose control, crash and be involved in road accidents.

But Britain’s safest drivers are apparently housewives in their 40s from Portsmouth with brown hair and blue eyes.

Perhaps it’s something in the water.

Mike Daniels and AcciDON’T
D.S.A. Registered Instructor, Awarded Highest Grade 6