Announcement from Suffolk Police

Whilst there are no indications that a repeat of what has occurred in London and elsewhere is likely to happen locally, Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies have taken the opportunity of re-issuing some useful crime prevention advice for the community.

It provides a useful checklist that should be regularly ticked.

1. Ensure staff report any suspicious activity to security and/or to police

2. Consider regular checks of the building and the surrounding area

3. Identify areas that are vulnerable to forced entry

4. Make sure all service doors are kept locked and secure when not in use

5. Ensure any CCTV system is fully operational

6. If there is an emergency, would you have a record of the names of keyholders who can be contacted?

7. Consider removing high-value goods from displays windows overnight

8. Keep as little cash as possible on the premises

9. Ensure your premises are secure and, if fitted, your alarm systems are fully operational

10. In the event of an emergency, always call 999

Lisa Miller
Corporate News Officer
Suffolk Constabulary
Telephone: 01473 782722

Kerry Cutler
Chief Inspector
Community Safety
Suffolk Constabulary
01473 613 858 (direct ext 3858)
07595007565 (mobex 6719)

Suffolk Constabulary
Martlesham Heath
Ipswich IP5 3QS

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