No Smoking Day – Wednesday, March 10, 2010
NHS Norfolk urges smokers to ‘break free from the habit’

People in NHS Norfolk’s area are being encouraged to make the most of No Smoking Day 2010 by making it the day they choose to give up the habit.

This year’s theme for the annual event is ‘Break Free’, as smokers commonly report feeling trapped or constrained by their addiction.

NHS Norfolk commissions a Stop Smoking Service which is available throughout the year, but it is hoped that this event may inspire people to quit smoking or find out more about the services available to help them.

Stop smoking trends show the busiest time for people giving up is from January through to March, which is attributed to New Year’s resolutions, Valentine’s Day and No Smoking Day.

Jennie Pusey, NHS Norfolk’s Stop Smoking Commissioning Manager, said: “No Smoking Day is an excellent occasion to inspire smokers to give up, particularly if they may have wanted to stop for a while. As so many people are inspired to quit around this date, it is an opportunity for smokers to help each other to stop smoking together and break free from a very addictive habit.”

For more information about no smoking day, go to: