No Parking Horning Village
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The Parish Council has today received legal advice from NCC that confirms that obstruction of the Restricted Byway by planters or motor vehicles is illegal.

Therefore the planters will be moved while the situation is clarified.

See full details:

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Against the wishes of 95% of the parishoners wishes, the Parish Council have deposited planters along the staithe thus preventing the parking of motor vehicles.
This is a spot where many elderly and disabled visitors previously parked to enjoy an ice cream and take in the view of the river.

This act will not only spoil the enjoyment of the less able but have a detrimental effect to local businesses. The staithe was also used by many who popped into the local shops and also by private boaters to load and unload their boats.

The Parish Council claim this is a retricted byway and erected signs a few years ago stating that motor vehicles are not permitted. However, this has never been enforced.

Quote from The Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006.

The public’s rights along a restricted byway are to travel: 

1) on foot 
2) On horseback or leading a horse 
3) By any vehicle (eg. Bicycles, Horsedrawn Carriages) other than mechanically propelled vehicles (eg. Motorbikes or Cars) unless vehicular rights pre-existed. 

So if cars were allowed there before the Act they must still be allowed there after the Act?

This is a selfish act by a few councillors and as you can image the parishoners and regular visitors are up in arms over the situation causing much unrest in what is normally a peaceful and happy village.

The next Parish Meeting will take place on Monday 13th April at 7pm in St. Benet’s hall and promises to be a full house.


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