I could not let this week go by without a mention of the news of our Governments decision to “pull the plug” on cash to fund Safety cameras, via our Road Safety Partnerships.
It is my intention not to bore you with statistics, costs and the every day running of Cameras. At the start of this story I used the words Safety Camera, yes that’s the key word Safety and not SPEED.
CAMERA, this is the main objective SAFETY.
When we all pass our driving tests we all make sure we do not speed and exceed the limit, because we all want to pass first time but as time goes by all drivers get complacent, our cars are quieter move quicker and we drive with the flow. The time then comes when we all have to re assess our driving because its time to go back and watch our speedometer, and keep within the limit.
There are now courses in place for drivers to attend Driver Aware classes, many who have had the privilege to attend and not suffer a £60 pound fine together with  3 points added to their licence.

Many drivers who may have gone 33 in a 30 or a very common figure is 35 in a 30 have attended the courses and found a memory jerk to be so helpful.

is the key word to safety, systems must be in place to make all drivers aware in today’s modern traffic situations, drivers are reminded of the importance to drive safe not speed and be aware of all road users.

If everyone drove with safety and care we would not need Cameras, and no one would worry about the areas where they are, dont forget Cameras are there to protect the communitys.

Yes there has been a big reduction in the number of people being seriously injured or killed where Cameras are fitted.

Every driver must be reminded when they condemn cameras ( as a money exercise ) it is them who are at fault, especially if they are caught driving over the posted speed limit.

It is found 7 out of 10 drivers exceed the posted speed limit by at least 5 mph.

Cameras are there to make our roads safe, if they are removed we will open the flood gates to more serious accidents on our roads, why remove them when we see they are working and controlling accident rates.

Many signs are fitted to slow drivers on approach to bends are we soon going to say their job is done lets remove them.

If the time was right and it could be seen all drivers were driving with due care and attention then cameras could be removed, until then we must keep the camera system on board.

A system of re education for all drivers must be in place until then cameras should be here to stay I believe we have not reached this goal therefore come on all drivers out there think safety.

Lets all work to a safer life on the UK roads then we can REALLY say GOODBYE CAMERAS

D.S.A. Registered Instructor, Awarded Highest Grade 6

WVB-B+E Towing Driving Test