Safe Driving this Easter Time

Remember we have the light evenings, watch for the extra sunlight which can really dazzle, and keep your windscreens clean.

This now is the time we will see more horses being ridden on our roads so mind the horse, all horses must be treated as a potential hazard.

Watch for the horse riders signals, when requested stop and always slow down.

Riders may ride in double file when escorting a young or inexperienced rider.

Take care when overtaking, always pass wide and drive slowly.

Do not sound your horn or rev the engine.

Mike Daniels AcciDON’T – Making drivers safer world wide.
Retraining Drivers for Insurance Companies,
please don’t let us meet you by Accident . . .

Mike Daniels and AcciDON’T
D.S.A. Registered Instructor, Awarded Highest Grade 6