Spring Fling 2010: NHS Norfolk Joy of Food team helps you on the way to your 5-A-DAY

NHS Norfolk’s Joy of Food team will be at the Spring Fling this week, helping visitors on the way to their 5-A-DAY.

Each visitor to the Spring Fling on Thursday 15th April is entitled to a hog roast lunch, consisting of pork in a roll, or a vegetarian option, and a drink as part of their admission fee.

This year, the Joy of Food team will be adding extra fibre to the meal, by giving away free salad as a filling.

Caroline Seaman, NHS Norfolk’s Joy of Food lead, said: “Our team has attended the Spring Fling since 5-A-DAY began in Norfolk.

“This year we are going to be walking around the food area at the Spring Fling with big bowls of dressed salad – lettuce with locally-sourced rapeseed oil, lemon juice and black pepper – to add to visitors’ hog roast lunches.

“Salad is a quick and easy way of adding fibre to the diet, and counts as a portion towards your 5-A-DAY. It’s also a useful way of encouraging children to meet their 5-A-DAY – salad adds taste and works well when you put it into a roll and ask them to squidge it!”

The Joy of Food team will be easily recognisable at the event in their 5-A-DAY T-shirts, promoting the importance of eating five portions of fruit and vegetables daily, and also answering any nutrition or Joy of Food queries.

And since this year’s theme is “Fun With Food”, Caroline will enter wholeheartedly into the spirit of the show. Visitors will see her dressed as a cabbage! Picture link attached.

The Joy of Food is a community-based programme funded by the Big Lottery, hosted by NHS Norfolk, to increase fruit and vegetable consumption by teaching basic food skills and raising awareness of the social pleasure of food. For more details, call 01603 257219.