The Dangers of WiFi installed in vehicles

WOW yes we said it would. We got the info onto motoring hints sometime ago, we mentioned the dangers:see our previous articlein-car wifi are you sitting confortable?

WiFi installed in vehicles…

This Sunday saw the advert for the new Renault Master Van complete with PIVOTING SEATBACK TABLE to hold your LAPTOP.

This table is fitted next to drivers left arm, where just taking your eyes off the road you can view the computer screen.

The Sat Nav is fitted above the interior mirror, making the driver to constantly look to his left.

Also the possible chance of Mobile phones being used,  YES we all agree the company vehicle is todays office, but road safety has got to be of the first most importance, how on earth are safety experts giving the go ahead for this to happern..

Drivers must not be allowed to take their eyes off the road, to use hi tech equipment, we all know how dangerous todays driving can be..

The new Jaguar has a TV screen on the facia panel so passengers can watch but this is not in the view of the driver, it is angled towards the passenger side…

Was it not a few months ago a HGV Driver was involved in a major road accident, whilst watching a DVD where the player screen was facing forward to the driver.

As skilled drivers we must always remember the word COAST
                 C — Concentration

                 O — Observation

                 A  — Anticipation

                 S —  Space

                 T   — Time

CONCENTRATION  is the KEY word in todays modern motoring,  and that’s looking where we are going, gaining a BIG PICTURE, Scanning, watching what other drivers are doing.. ( not checking the laptop screen ) and of course always checking behind, people do travel much too close..

As regards SPACE if you are driving leaving no space around you this is where the ACCIDENT will occur

                  NO SPACE  = CRASH

Dont forget at 30mph you are travelling 44 feet per second, the crash will occur within your thinking distance

and this is not the time to deal with all the hi tech in the vehicle…

Drivers cannot afford to take the eyes off the road…


You must have a policy in place… get your drivers to sign a letter to say YOU WILL NOT RING them in the Vehicle whilst they are driving,  and you DO NOT WANT them to ring whilst they are driving.

How do you speak to their Wife, Partners when their loved ones were killed when they crashed as you were giving details over the phone to them.

The Police can check back the last call into the vehicle, remember the Corporate Manslaughter rules.

This must NOW also include to NOT SEND E-MAILS…

Make your Drivers to receive calls by voice mail, leave the phone off while driving.

Also tell them if they stop to answer a call make sure they SWITCH OFF THE ENGINE and most of all TAKE THE KEY OUT of the IGNITION, YES you will still be fined if the key is in the ignition… £60 pound three points on licence.

DO NOT PERMIT OR CAUSE DRIVERS to use a Phone in the vehicle, yes HANDS FREE are very dangerous you can not concentrate, and drive at the same time, you will be involved the message coming over the phone.
It all comes down to driving without due care and attention…

D.S.A. Registered Instructor, Awarded Highest Grade 6

WVB-Mike Daniels driver risk management workshops