The Voice Project’s Nocturne: Songs For A Winter’s Night in Norwich Cathedral

100 voice choir to present Christmas music and visual splendour in Norwich Cathedral.

Norfolk’s internationally renowned Voice Project Choir will be joined by the solo voices of Human Music and percussionist Derek Scurll for two brilliantly atmospheric Christmas concerts with a difference in the beautiful Presbytery of Norwich Cathedral on Saturday 14 December at 7pm and 9pm.

The music, specially written by Jonathan Baker set to words by Norfolk poet Andrew McDonnell, will celebrate the season with themes of music, metaphysics, spirituality and the supernatural – haunting music that will evoke the ghosts of Christmas’ past present and future. Voice Project Choir concerts always provide visual as well as musical spectacle and this will be no exception. Tim Tracey, who so skilfully lit Ideas of Flight at this year’s Norfolk & Norwich Festival, will spectacularly illuminate the Cathedral with imaginative lighting and visuals

The 100-voice choir, is co-led by conductor Sian Croose and composer Jonathan Baker. It is completely open access and the singers have been has been rehearsing since early October for the concert. Past Voice Project compositions have gone on to be performed on BBC Radio 3 and at international jazz festivals in Coutances, France, Sage Gateshead and the London Jazz Festival.

Images of The Voice Project Choir in Norwich Cathedral earlier in the year by Dave Guttridge

Tickets from Norwich arts Centre 01603 660352,


Saturday 14 December 2103, 7pm and 9pm £12, concessions £10

Nocturne: Songs For A Winters Night

The Voice Project Choir conducted by Sian Croose, Human Music, Derek Scurll

An atmospheric Christmas concert of spirituality and the supernatural from 100 member open access choir and solo voices with percussion.

Norwich Cathedral

The Close, Norwich, Norfolk NR1 4DH
Tickets from Norwich Arts Centre 01603 660352

MIKE DANIELS Trailer Sales 01986 893025