On Saturday 5th December 2009, Volunteers at Quaker Wood, Factory Lane Diss planted 173 trees in one hour as part of the BBC Breathing Spaces Tree O’clock Challenge.

This is part of a country-wide Guiness World Record to plant the maximum number of trees in one hour. Diss Mayor, Jane Trippet-Jones was on hand as the official witness to the Diss contribution to the Guiness challenge.

During the whole day the 25 volunteers planted a further 320 trees, shrubs and hedging plants. Prior to this pupils from the Diss Junior School and the Diss High School had, between them, planted 114 trees and hedging plants. The total planting during the Tree Council National Tree Planting Week therefore comes to over 600.

Quaker Wood is managed by Diss Community Woodland Project. There will be an official opening event during the spring of 2010 on a date yet to be announced. After that the 5 acre woodland nature reserve will be open for the peaceful enjoyment of local residents and the local wild life. This autumn’s planting is part of an ongoing development plan which will eventually see Quaker Wood fully planted but with rides and open spaces, natural pond, interpretation boards and other features.

The next working party will be on Saturday 9 January 2010 when all are welcome between 9.30 am and 12.30 pm. After this date the working parties will revert to the first Saturday of each month.

Richard Pither Hon Sec 7 Frenze Road Diss, Norfolk IP22 4PA 01379 652825 M 07947 831730