
Dear Alan,

We can’t believe it’s been almost 15 years since your triumph on Radio Norwich’s Traffic Buster drive time slot propelled you into the Top Eight BBC Sports Reporters list! It’s been one hell of a journey for both of us since then. Perhaps not as incident-packed as your Toblerone-fuelled and shoeless trip to Dundee in the Vectra; but we’ve enjoyed the ride and our love for you remains as solid as a temporary static home.

A lot has changed since those early days, Alan. We always knew you’d come around to the pedestrianisation of the city centre (your early adoption of the tungsten-tipped screw and championing of ABBA marked you out as progressive right from the start), but had you heard, for example,  that last year we became England’s first UNESCO City of Literature? We tried to find a copy of Bouncing Back to send with the bid, but there seems to be a problem in the warehouse.

Still, with I, Partridge: We Need to Talk About Alan and now Alpha Papa, you’ve joined the firmament of Norwich cultural superstars that includes Julian of Norwich, Sir Thomas Browne, Will Hansard, Harriet Martineau, Anna Sewell, Delia Smith, Stephen Fry, Mylene Klassand Hannah from S-Club 7. You’ve made it, Alan.

We’re sorry you couldn’t stay for the actual premiere of the film last week. If you fancy nipping back at the weekend (the service station near the A47/A11 junction has an offer on screen wash), you could drop in on one of the Alpha Norwich city walks that take fans around all your favourite places in Norwich.

You’d be very welcome, Alan. We love you here in Norwich, and needless to say, you’d have the last laugh.

Very best wishes,
The People of Norwich



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