Next Screening:
4th Aug 2008

The Park Hotel, Diss

Film Starts 8pm
Members £3 Non-Members £4 Students £2 (under 21)

Origin: Sweden
Year: 2008
Running Time: 95 mins

Director: Roy Andersson
Cast: Jessika Lundberg, Elisabeth Helander, Björn Euglund

Composed of 50 vignettes, each about 90 seconds long, Andersson’s movie is about everyday life, death and the human condition – ‘about the vulnerability of human beings’. Each scene makes a small point and moves on, some characters turning up in later shots, some not. Like a silent comedy but with words, it is very funny in a dark surreal fashion. This is only the fourth film in 37 years for someone described as Bergman’s successor.


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