People who think they may be suffering from a cold or flu can find out more about the conditions and get vital information on managing their symptoms through a new leaflet produced by NHS Norfolk and Waveney.

Called “Handy advice about flu and colds”, the pamphlet is being publicised during national self care week, which began yesterday and runs until Sunday. It is hoped the leaflet will help people tell the difference between a bad cold and the flu by explaining the symptoms of each, which include:

* Flu – a sudden high temperature of over 38 degrees celsius and a sudden cough. Other symptoms include headache, chills, aching muscles, limb or joint pain, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, loss of appetite and diarrhoea or stomach upset.
* Cold – may present some of the same symptoms, but at different stages. Usually, adults do not have a high temperature, but children might.

Anyone who has a cold or flu is being encouraged to ask their local pharmacist for advice and treatment. People should only contact their GP if they think they have flu and:

* have a serious underlying illness;
* are pregnant;
* they have a sick child under one year old;
* their condition suddenly gets much worse or is still getting worse after seven days (or five days for a child).

Try not to attend A&E as there is nothing the staff can do to treat colds and flu and you run the risk of spreading the virus to other patients.

Instead, you should rest, drink plenty of fluids and use a lozenge or cough mixture to help ease a sore throat. Make sure you check with your pharmacist whether any cold or flu remedies can be used with medication you’re already taking.

NHS Norfolk and Waveney has also reissued advice which will help prevent you from getting ill to begin with and also speed up your recovery time:

* Have a free flu jab at your GP surgery if you are over 65, have an underlying health condition, are pregnant or care for someone who has a an underlying health condition.
* Don’t expect antibiotics – they won’t work against colds and flu.
* Keep paracetamol, ibuprofen or cold remedies at home to help with the symptoms of both colds and flu.
* Sneeze into a tissue and put it straight in the bin – don’t carry it around and reuse it over and over again.
* Follow good hand hygiene – always wash your hands with soap and water, particularly after sneezing and blowing your nose. Take the time to dry them properly as wet hands harbour and spread germs.
* Keep surfaces clean.

For more advice about preventing common illnesses from spreading, visit or and click on the germbusters link. The Handy advice about flu and colds leaflet will be added over the next few days.

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