Emmaus Norwich Ditchingham near Bungay

Emmaus Bonanza Late Risers Car Boot Sale

Saturday 26th July 20914

11 -3pm


Held at Belsey Bridge Conference Centre,

Thwaite Rd, Ditchingham NR35 2DZ

Set up from 9am. Pitch £6/ Large Pitch £10.

Free entry to public.

All proceeds to Emmaus Norwich (Registered Charity no.1136584).

About Emmaus Norwich

Emmaus Norwich is a local charity offering a stable home, meaningful work and chance to rebuild lives of people with experience of homelessness. Our wonderful treasure trove set in lovely convent grounds is open 10 -4.30pm Tues – Sat. Come and explore our range of good quality furniture, electrical items, vintage and retro, collectibles and curios not to mention clothes, books, music and bric a brac. Our kitchen garden makes the perfect spot to sit down and enjoy a cup of tea and cake during your visit. Why not visit us today? You can be sure of a warm welcome from our lovely people.

