Keep your baby safe during feeding time

Ahead of next week’s Child Safety Week (21st – 27th June) parents and guardians are being encouraged to make sure their baby is protected and safe during feeding time.

Generally, a baby is old enough to use a high chair from around 6 months, marking a significant step in the progression of the child’s development.

However, every year many babies are admitted to hospital for injuries associated with high chairs including falls, strangulation and even death.

Dr Mashbileg Maidrag, who leads on child safety for NHS Suffolk said: “It’s easy to keep your baby safe and happy during mealtimes. These accidents – in rare cases having tragic consequences – can be avoided if you follow these steps.

“Firstly, when choosing a high chair it is important to keep in mind that a chair with a wide base will offer more stability and offer less opportunity for your baby to topple the chair by pushing against a surface. A high chair with a crotch strap and centre pole will stop your child slipping.

“If you have a cushion in the high chair make sure it is in good condition and not ripped as a child could easily eat the contents, causing choking.

“Remember that your baby should never be left unattended and it is very important to keep sharp objects away from nearby tables and worktops. Similarly, be careful with tablecloths and placemats as these can allow a baby to drag a hot drink or food nearer to him/herself whilst your back is turned.

“Always give the high chair a good clean after each meal as bacteria likes to develop at room temperature and could make your baby seriously ill.

“And don’t forget your own safety – babies love to throw food on the floor so be careful of slippery surfaces.”

Find out more about Child Safety Week 2010 by visiting
During Child Safety Week 2010, NHS Suffolk will be issuing a series of press releases relating to child safety on subjects including burns, accidental poisoning, alcohol and exam stress,

Issued by the NHS Suffolk Communications Team on 01473 770014
For more information about NHS Suffolk visit

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