NHS Norfolk & Waveney

An event to raise awareness of Norfolk’s first child bereavement partnership will see more than 60 organisations work together for grieving families and children.

The Norfolk Child Bereavement Strategic Partnership will launch its work on 28 November 2012 at Dunston Hall near Norwich. The organisations – which include health and social care organisations, charities, funeral homes and faith groups – will discuss how best to work together to improve existing support for bereaved children and families who are bereaved of a child. It will draw on the knowledge of national organisations such as Child Bereavement Network and Child Bereavement UK.

Dr Sue Zeitlin, Designated Doctor Safeguarding Children for NHS Norfolk and Waveney and Consultant Community Paediatrician at Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust, said: “There is already a lot of support available in Norfolk for grieving children and grieving families, but the challenge is that there is nothing that links them altogether. For the bereaved child or parent it might mean they’re not getting the most appropriate support for them as an individual.

“The partnership will identify and map current services to inform the development of pathways between organisations so that they know when to refer someone to a different support organisation, and who will take responsibility of that person. This means that people who need help can get that care as soon as possible, and that other people aren’t referred there unnecessarily.”

The event will be opened by Tracy Rennie, Director of Care at East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH), who also Chairs the Norfolk Bereavement Services task and finish group. She said: “The launch of the partnership marks a very important first step in our aim to make sure bereaved children and bereaved parents can get the support they need, when they need it. There are many good services available but there are times when children and families struggle to find the information they need.”

The day will take a look at the national and local picture of bereavement support as well as looking at specific case studies from Nelson’s Journey, a charity dedicated to supporting bereaved children and young people throughout Norfolk, Rosedale Funeral Homes and Family Support Services at The Priscilla Bacon Centre, part of Norfolk Community Health and Care.