Swine flu – getting prepared for ‘back to school’

Over the next few weeks as the county of Suffolk prepares to go back to school, NHS Suffolk will also be pushing ahead with its plans to prepare for a possible autumn surge in swine flu cases across the county.

As part of this, the NHS Suffolk area now has some 18 local pharmacies operational as antiviral collections points – where people’s flu friends can go with their unique reference number to collect antiviral medication. Planning is also in place to ensure a further nine pharmacies are operational as antiviral collection points over the coming weeks. This will bring the total to 27 in the NHS Suffolk area.

Also, NHS Suffolk continues to work closely with partner organisations – including GPs and hospitals – to be prepared for an anticipated rise in numbers of swine flu cases in the autumn.

Dr Brian Keeble, flu director at NHS Suffolk, said: “We are anticipating a possible surge in cases after people return from their holidays and children go back to school. But this is no reason for alarm. The same advice still stands – make sure you practice good hand hygiene by washing hands frequently with soap and water, particularly before eating. This will reduce the chance of you getting flu.

“Also, by covering your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, using a tissue when possible and disposing of dirty tissues promptly and carefully – and by remembering to Catch It, Bin It, Kill It! you reduce the chance of passing bugs on to others.”

If you think you have flu-like symptoms, call the National Pandemic Flu Service on 0800 1 513 100 or go online at www.direct.gov.uk/pandemicflu. You can also get general advice by calling the Flu Information Line on 0800 1 513 513 which will remain in place alongside the new service.

People should contact their doctor direct rather than using the National Pandemic Flu Service if:

  • they have a serious underlying illness
  • they are pregnant
  • they have a sick child under one year old
  • their condition suddenly gets much worse, or
  • if their condition is still getting worse after 7 days (5 for a child)

Issued by the NHS Suffolk Communications Team on 01473 770014
For more information about NHS Suffolk visit www.suffolk.nhs.uk