The Team (Julie, Simon, George and Simon)
thoughtOUT – Psychosis can be a lonely experience

Psychosis can be a lonely experience although 1 in 100 people will suffer from it at some stage in their life. It’s not something people easily talk about, nor is it easy to know what is available or how to help. To improve on this situation the ‘thoughtOUT’ web project was started by psychosis sufferers for psychosis sufferers, with funding from the Suffolk Primary Care Trust and support from Suffolk Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust.

Based at Workwise in Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, over a period of some 18 months, (42 sessions) a team of volunteers have produced a website and an accompanying leaflet which will be launched and distributed from April 2011.

The primary aim of the project has been to connect with people recovering from psychosis, to help them to understand their condition and to give access to resources aiding recovery and day to day living. The ‘thoughtOUT’ team reviewed and collated resources and information available and combined them at one address…

One area the team looked at in particular was that of functional and social recovery in psychosis, looking at common experiences and those of the team members themselves. The full result is given on the website together with several in-depth reviews of local services such as Workwise, Healthy Minds, and a local supported housing project in Bury St. Edmunds.

The development stage has now been completed. However, the site will be updated periodically over the next two years.

For further information please contact: Dr Marlies Jansen, 01473 633 710

The ‘thoughtOut’ leaflet pdf
(click image to download)

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