Time To Change Roadshow Hits Town

This summer, Time to Change, England’s biggest anti-stigma programme, led by charities Mind and Rethink, is touring the streets and festivals of England with a series of fun, colourful roadshows that address the fear and awkwardness people feel in talking about mental health problems.

The ‘It’s time to talk. It’s Time to Change’ roadshow is hitting the streets of Norwich on Saturday 9th July and inviting local residents to come along to Chapelfield to help get the country talking about mental health.

The Time to Change roadshow gives the people of Norwich a chance to find out more about mental health by talking to someone with personal experience.

And, Time to Change needs your help! If you have experience of living with mental ill health and are can spare three hours on Saturday 9th July please get in touch.

A training session, run by Time to Change for those wishing to volunteer will be taking place at Hellesdon Hospital on Thursday 7th July.

If you would like any further information regarding volunteering at the road show and timings please contact Laura Scholefield on 01603 421494 (ext 6494).


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