Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust has today (17 April) been awarded a £17.7m contract to provide an innovative new service designed to promote wellbeing and help people safeguard their mental health.
The Suffolk Wellbeing Service (SWS) will provide a range of self-help techniques, therapies and interventions to help people manage common problems such as stress, anxiety and depression. Launching on 30 July, it will be delivered in partnership with a range of voluntary organisations and has been commissioned by NHS Suffolk for a minimum three year period. The contract is worth £5.9m a year.

Its main aims will be to reduce the onset of mental ill health, prevent deterioration and promote recovery by offering a range of flexible interventions tailored to meet each individual’s specific needs. This could include befriending, one-to-one sessions, talking therapies, counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy.

In addition, partner organisations such as the Shaw Trust, Mentis Tree CIC, Relate and Mind will also be able to offer help with general wellbeing, as well as social issues such as employment, education and relationships.

Through close partnership working, SWS aims to provide a seamless pathway of care for those using the service.

Debbie White, the Trust’s director of operations for Suffolk, said: “We are delighted that we have been awarded the contract to provide this important service across Suffolk, and look forward to working closely with our partners to make a difference to people’s lives.

“We already have vast experience of providing a whole wellbeing approach across Norfolk, and have used this knowledge and expertise to develop the model for Suffolk. It will offer a wide range of interventions, from self-help and education through to talking therapies, which are effective, easy to access and tailored to meet the needs of each individual. By working closely with our partners, we will promote a wellness and recovery model which encourages people to seek advice and support and access the right services for them at the right time.

“Our ultimate aim is that the service will help bring mental health into the mainstream so that it becomes as important to people as safeguarding their physical health.”

SWS will be available to people aged 13 and over who is registered with a GP in the NHS Suffolk area. Interventions will be delivered within the community, while waiting times from referral to the person accessing services will be a maximum of 10 days.

Martin Royal, NHS Suffolk’s director of corporate services said: “We were determined to find the best organisation to run this important new service, which will reduce mental health incidences and promote recovery. Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust has been carefully chosen as the new provider and we are confident they will deliver a service that matches the need of people in Suffolk.”

People will be able to self-refer to SWS via a website, phone or email. Further details will be available before the service launches.

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