Who says you can’t get an NHS dentist?  You can!

Yes it’s true, more than half of all NHS dental practices in Suffolk are taking on new NHS patients.

Over the last few years NHS Suffolk has invested more than £4 million and opened seven new dental practices across the county – meaning increased capacity for new patients and further improving Suffolk’s dental services.

And going to the dentist doesn’t cost as much as you think. Treatment costs are divided into three bands:

A Band 1 treatment consisting of an examination with x-rays and scale and polish if required costs just £16.50.

Other treatment such as fillings, including white fillings, and tooth extractions (Band 2) would cost £45.60 or crowns, denture or bridges (Band 3) £198.00 for the course of treatment.  These costs would include the initial examination (Band 1) mentioned earlier.

Depending on your dental health, you don’t necessarily need to have a check up every six months either.  It could be as infrequently as once a year or maybe every two years.  Dentists also routinely check patients for signs of oral cancer.

Any treatment your dentist tells you that you need is available on the NHS. The only treatments not available on the NHS are cosmetic treatments such as tooth whitening.  If you’re dentist advises you that you need to see a hygienist, ask if it is necessary for clinical reasons.  If the answer is yes, you don’t have to pay to see a hygienist, it will be included in that course of treatment.  As a patient you may of course choose to see a hygienist and this will be regarded as private treatment.

Don’t be afraid to discuss any treatment plans with your dentist. Make sure you understand the treatment you are going to receive, the cost and are aware of any risks or possible complications before you agree to treatment.

So, if you are due a dental health check or wish to change to an NHS dentist simply telephone the Patient Advice & Liaison Service(PALS) on 0800 389 6819. They can let you know which dental practices near your home or work in Suffolk are currently accepting NHS patients.

Cantor’s Theatre School