You know best the services you need
This is your chance to meet Waveney District Council representatives and Councillors face to face and tell them how you view local services.
The Rifle Hall in Halesworth 
on Thursday 15th March 2012 
10am – 2pm

Brampton Village Hall 
on Monday 26th March 2012
10am – 2pm
Tell us about the services you use already or how we can improve to support all older people.
At the event we chat in small groups about the issues affecting older people.
Come along, answer a few questions while taking part in our feedback session and in return enjoy complimentary tea/coffee & a FREE lunch.
You could meet new people, hear about and try gentle exercise.
There will be lots of information to take away.
RSVP: Kristie Burdett, Age UK Suffolk,
14 Hillview Business Park,
Old Ipswich Road, Claydon,
Ipswich, IP6 0AJ

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